
Obviously I did not keep my promise to revive and sustain this blog. Not sure if I have any audience but the promise is definitely to myself and it did not happened, at least since 1st Oct. Sigh.

It’s already past mid December now and look how far (and fast!) we’ve come!

Many would take this month to review back their 2014’s resolutions and perhaps prepare a clean new canvas for 2015. I, on the other hand, will have to carry-forward some of my unfinished goals. Now it has become more of an ongoing to-do items rather than a one-time off kind of things.

Next week will be a quiet week in the office. Some of my colleagues and bosses already taken a long break up till New Year. Some went for umrah, overseas trips, among others.

Wherever you are, travel safe!

Let’s pack away all the negativities, hurtful memories and sadness and throw them out the window. Start fresh for 2015!

Closing the 2014 chapter now.


Yours truly, Lia.

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