2013’s to do list!

As promised, I’m sharing my 2013’s to do list! I’ll keep track of my progress and fingers crossed, inshaAllah I hope to complete all of this come end of this year.

So, here goes!

  1. Go to the beach. I’ve been missing the sandy beaches and the sunset at the beach for so longg!
  2. Participate in a marathon. By end of 2013, I want to complete a half marathon. That’s my target.
  3. Wear more bright colors. Although my favorite is black, but my other favorite is RED!
  4. Expand my book collection in different genres than fiction – politics, history, traveling etc.
  5. READ, READ and READ. Expand my reading genres!
  6. Take more pictures
  7. Go on the train trip with the boyfriend. Northern, southern and eastern routes.
  8. Invest on more supplement for myself. Vitamins, EPO etc
  9. Do a thorough medical checkup
  10. Have an adventure outdoor trip with the boyfriend
  11. Less crying, more laughing
  12. Save up for a new phone. I better get myself a quality one this time.
  13. Go for a road trip and sample the street food
  14. Driving range date
  15. Eat more healthy food
  16. Engage in more outdoor activities
  17. Cook more

and to sum it up,


Good luck to yours truly!


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